Magnus Logo cards orange

Empowering Independent Home and Community Living

MagnusCards is the award-winning app that presents collectible how-to guides for a more accessible world. Explore the world with Magnus!

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Together, we're building an accessible world

town clowd magnus mode

We work with Inclusion Partners

to create Card Decks

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Group 1000002660

Feedback and insights

The MagnusCards community heroes empower further accessibility by providing feedback and insights to Inclusion Partners

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Community heroes use Card Decks

to navigate the world with greater independence.

Group 48095606
Group 48095518
Group 48095605

Meet Magnus, your side-kick.

In MagnusCards, Magnus manages your Card Decks, provides support, and offers MagnusBadges to celebrate your achievements.

Getting Started With MagnusCards

Step 1

Download the app
and meet Magnus!

Get the FREE app and get started today

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Step 2

Practice at home

Magnus is your side-kick for each and every adventure. He has many Card Decks for home-based activities, and he'll reward you with MagnusBadges as you practice and reach your milestones. Follow along with Magnus and Card Deck instructions for activities throughout your day and build your MagnusBadge collection.

Step 3

Practice in the community

Use Inclusion Partner Card Decks to explore and navigate activities in your community! You can use Card Decks to prepare for or guide trips to local restaurants, transit, attractions, hospitals, and more.

Step 4

Your voice matters!

Provide feedback by rating Card Decks or leave comments for Inclusion Partners on how they can improve their services.

Magnus Logo

Tailor Card Decks and schedule activities to meet individual needs.

Personalized support tailored to unique needs, abilities, and experiences—create your own Card Decks, organize tasks, and set reminders to keep MagnusCards Heroes on track. Celebrate progress with virtual high-fives from the entire support team!

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Have Feedback?

We love to hear from you!

You can send feedback or questions for Magnus or Inclusion Partners at the end of each Card Deck.

  • Badge
    Celebrate Your Achievements!

    Earn Magnusbadges as you explore Card Decks and showcase them in your digital trophy room. Start collecting today—unlock them all!

  • Badge
    Track Your Confidence Over Time!

    Rate how comfortable you feel with each Card Deck topic and see your growth. Celebrate milestones and build your skills step by step.

  • Badge
    Help Us Help You!

    Leave feedback on Card Decks and receive support when you need it. Together, we make MagnusCards better for everyone.

  • Badge
    Need More Help? Just Ask!

    Magnus is here to guide you! At the end of every Card Deck, tap the 'Need More Help?' button for more assistance.

  • Badge
    Shape the future of MagnusCards

    Have ideas for new topics or need MagnusCards in your preferred language? Tell us! Use the Suggestion Form in MagnusCards app to share your thoughts!

Celebrate Your Achievements
Track Your Confidence Over Time
Help Us Help You
Need More Help Just Ask
Shape the future of MagnusCards
MagnusCard logo orange

Ready to Explore

Download it in the mobile stores

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Are you using MagnusCards?
Tell us what you think.

    Frequently asked questions

    Get to know more about MagnusCards. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our team.

    MagnusCards is an app with visual, audio, and text step-by-step digital guides called Card Decks. These guides empower users to perform daily tasks independently, navigate new environments, and access services.

    MagnusCards is for anyone who benefits from step-by-step instructions,
including neurodiverse individuals, caregivers, seniors, newcomers, and organizations aiming to create inclusive experiences.

    MagnusCards uses visual, easy-to-follow instructions presented in a series of digital “cards” grouped into themed Card Decks. Users can browse or search for Card Decks on various topics, such as shopping, travel, or money management.

    MagnusBadges are rewards. The more Card decks you view, the more MagnusBadges you can unlock! Each MagnusBadge reminds you of what you’ve accomplished. Collect them all in your trophy room!

    MagnusCards is available on iOS and Android devices. You can download it for free from the App Store or Google Play Store.

    Card Decks are categorized by topic or organization. You can use the search
function or explore the “Browse by Category” section to find relevant guides.

    Yes! Card Decks can be created by caregivers, managers, or other supporters using the MagnusTeams app, and shared with MagnusCards Heroes. Learn more here MagnusTeams.

    Yes, once you download a Card Deck to your device, it can be viewed without an internet connection.

    Open the MagnusCards app. Tap on the Profile icon. Select Account and then Language. Choose your preferred language from the available options. The app will update, and all supported Card Decks will appear in the selected language.

    If you experience any technical issues:

    1. Check for updates in your app store.
    2. Restart the app or your device.
    3. Contact MagnusCards Support at with details about the issue.

    We value your feedback! You can share suggestions or request new Card 
Decks by emailing

    MagnusCards is free for Heroes. Inclusion Partners sponsor their Card Decks to make their services accessible!