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Introducing Vaughan Public Library MagnusCards
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Vaughan Public Library x MagnusCards

Les guides visuels et les récits sociaux constituent une bonne pratique de longue date pour aider les personnes autistes et neurodivergentes à interagir plus facilement avec le monde en créant une structure et une prévisibilité.

The MagnusCards® app is a modern twist to this proven method; the wayfinding tool presents collectible Card Decks with visual, audio, and text step-by-step instructions for home and community living. Each Card Deck is co-created with ‘Inclusion Partners’ including transit, restaurants, banks, airports, and more! Inclusion Partners want to make their services more welcoming and accessible by providing this tailored service to YOU.

Vaughan Public Library MagnusCards are available in the Leisure category of MagnusCards. Simply swipe through the steps and follow along with Magnus, the life skills guide, to complete daily activities with independence and inclusion!

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Télécharger l’application GRATUITE et commencer dès aujourd’hui

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